Anda ingin berwisata dengan biaya sangat murah silahkan kunjungi kami === Read More ====

Pasang Iklan slide 2 title

Anda ingin Pasang Iklan Slide disini dengan biaya sangat murah silahkan kunjungi kami === Read More ====

Pasang Iklan slide 3 title

Anda ingin Pasang Iklan Slide disini dengan biaya sangat murah silahkan kunjungi kami === Read More ====

Pasang Iklan slide 4 title

Anda ingin Pasang Iklan Slide disini dengan biaya sangat murah silahkan kunjungi kami === Read More ====

Pasang Iklan slide 5 title

Anda ingin Pasang Iklan Slide disini dengan biaya sangat murah silahkan kunjungi kami === Read More ====

Welcome to surfautohits

We Send Actual Visitors To YOUR Website
Dear Website owners and webmasters,

Get 3000 Visitor credits when you join our Starter Membership and surf only 10 sites.

We are a auto surf traffic exchange where members are helping other members and themselves. We are offering free visitor hits to your site, sign up with us and get 3000 Free Visitors to your website to start with. Then all you have to do is view other member’s sites to bank more free visitor credits to your account. When you start to AUTO SURF other members sites the site will be displayed for 10 seconds which gives you time to open the site if the site is interesting to you or you want to investigate the site further. It’s that simple our members get a chance to show you their site and you have a chance to investigate their site. While you auto surf other sites you are generating site credits for your site to be shown to others. That's why our site is called a auto surf traffic exchange. It is as simple as that. There is no clicking to bring up the next site it is done automatically for you. That way all of our customers sites are viewed by other customers of ours or actual visits to our customer’s sites. Please refer to our FAQ and our terms for what type of sites will be allowed for viewing. This is important for a seamless operation of the site for you and our site. Each site will be evaluated for content and for framebrakes. You can get additional credits by visiting our paid to click area which allows you to get additional credits by viewing our advertisers. Another way to get additional credits is from your referrals to our site.

Do you know why almost every online business fails? Its simple really. They don't have anyone visiting their websites. The web has become so large that unless you spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising nobody is going to find you. If people can't find you, they can't order anything from you. To put it simply:

No Traffic = No Sales

Here is what we will do for you:

Send Visitors to your website or clients website in the form of Visitors that will view your site, not banner impressions or emails!

When you register you will get REAL TIME stats so you can monitor your account.
You can monitor where you are with credits at any time - You can also buy additional credits for your site, and get more visitors, new members are joining daily.!
Lets assume you have a product that sells for $10. If you purchase 100,000 guaranteed visitors you would make $1,000.00 based on a 0.1% (one tenth of one percent) response rate. Imagine if you were to get a 1% or higher response!

Lets look at the possibilities: 

*Of course, your results will vary - you could sell much less or much more - it really depends on what you are selling and how well you present it. We will send you the visitors, but its up to you to get them to buy, buy, buy!

This is a auto surf traffic exchange. Traffic is only one factor that will help your site, you also need links as well as search engine submissions. All of these are needed for rapid search engine ranking. As for search engine rankings, well you probably already know how difficult that is. But we can help you there as well by submitting your site to over 180,000 search engines, directories, classifieds and FFA’s (Free For All) Please email us about submitting your website to search engines at

How many visitors you get in a 24 hour period depends on how many people are on our site and surfing. If you need more or targeted Visitors faster go to our paid visitor site, and buy Visitors that are sent automatically to your website.

We are a full service Internet Marketing Co. We have Hosting,Domain registration, shopping carts, website builders and SSL Certificates to name a few internet services that we have at .

Our other website has just about any type of traffic you are looking for. Packages to suit any budget and can start sending traffic to your website right away at http//! We can send larger quantities of TRAFFIC to your site from that site. We have traffic that is suitable for just all types of website including Casino and Adult Websites. From our cheapest UNTARGETED RON BULK TRAFFIC to REGIONAL AND TARGETED TRAFFIC including traffic for Casino and Adult Websites.


Welcome to
You need Traffic! We have enhanced our Auto Surf Traffic
Exchange to help boost the traffic you need to your
websites. We have implemented an incentive to help
all members increase free website traffic, free visitors
and unique website views. is a Free Auto Surf, where you can
trade traffic with other members. As a free member,
you will reap the benefits of a free autosurf exchange
with many bonus hits. 
Our benefits include the following:

2:1 Traffic Exchange Ratio
5 Referral Levels
10 Second Fast Clean Auto Surf Timer
All sites must be in English, French, German, Italien or Spanish.
No Frame Freakers, No Pop-Ups, Pop-Under or Exit Window(s)
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All sites are manually approved 
5 Sites per FREE Account
Only 1 Account Per Person Allowed
Generous 1000 Free Hits after surfing 200 pages
Prize Pages to win extra credits
Traffic Advertising Packages from $5
Upgrade to PRO Account for only $5
Make your first choice for an
Auto Surf Traffic Exchange today.

Mau Google AdSense atau AdsOptimal?

Google AdSense bukan barang asing bagi para blogger. Google Adsense adalah mesin penghasil dollar. Bahkan dengan Google AdSense, sebagian besar blogger mendapatkan penghasilan yang lumayan bahkan sampai ribuan dollar perbulan. Memang Google AdSense sungguh sangat menggiurkan.

Tetapi menjadi publisher iklan Google Adsense tidaklah mudah. Google AdSense mempunyai persyaratan yang sangat ketat bagi publishernya. Disamping tulisan yang harus original, juga Publisher jangan sampai melanggar TOS Google AdSense. Kalau tidak, ancaman banned akan menanti. Kalau banned terjadi, blogger akan pusing tujuh keliling.
Tahukah teman blogger, saat ini, sudah muncul penyedia iklan terbaru dari google yang merupakan saingan dari Google Adsense. Dialah AdsOptimal.

AdsOptimal adalah layanan iklan yang sangat menjanjikan bagi publishernya. Jika Google AdSense, penghasilan di hitung dari setiap klik pengunjung, AdsOptimal menghitung setiap impresi yang terjadi. Jadi semakin banyak pengunjung sebuah blog semakin banyak peluang dollar mengalir, tanpa memperhitungkan jumlah klik yang terjadi. Lebih dahsyatnya lagi, AdOptimal menghitung impresi bukan dari setiap unit visitor, tetapi berapa jumlah laman yang terbuka.

Kelebihan lain dari AdsOptimal:

  • Bisa kombinasi dengan iklan lainnya (termasuk Google AdSense), bahkan iklan yang muncul di AdsOptimal adalah iklan google
  • RPM tertinggi untuk mobile
  • Menerima blog berbahasa Indonesia
  • Proses approval cepat (1-2 hari)
  • Tersedia plugins untuk pengguna wordpress
  • Pembayaran Paypal atau check, minimal payout cuma $50
  • Proses pengajuan sebagai publisher sangat mudah
  • Bebas dari ancaman banned (jadi bisa dipasang di blog copy paste yang pengunjungnya banyak, sangat menjanjikan).

Saat ini, AdsOptimal memberikan promo bagi publisher baru, dengan memberikan cuma-Cuma $15 bagi setiap aplikasi pengajuan publisher baru jika diterima.
Ingin menjadi publisher AdsOptimal, dan mendapatkan bonus langsung$15, silahkan melalui link ini… Klik Disini…!!!

Pengalaman saya memasang iklan AdsOptimal di blog ini dalam waktu  kurang lebih 3 bulan, sudah 3 kali melakukan pay out. Berikut screen shootnya.

Cukup lumayan besar dengan jumlah pengunjung blog masih sekitar 1.000 an perhari. Bagi teman-teman blogger yang pengunjung blognya diatas ribuan, mungkin potensi dolar mengalir semakin besar.

Ayo, bergabung dengan AdsOptimal, dan dapatkan bonus langsung$15, silahkan melalui link ini… Klik Disini…!!!

5 XBIZ Exec Award Noms for JuicyAds

XBIZ has announced the 100 finalists for the 2016 XBIZ Executive Awards, and JuicyAds received 5 nominations. More than not only any other adult advertising network in the industry, but tied for the highest number of nominations for any company in the industry.

"Selection of nominees was based on a multitude of factors including leadership ability, business acumen, positive community influence and overall career success as submitted by industry peers via social network The XBIZ Executive Awards recognize outstanding individuals who play a key role in the success of prominent brands. The award categories cover a range of occupations that make up the organizational chart of industry enterprises, covering business development, marketing, management, chief executives and more. " indicated by

JuicyAds has been nominated for the following awards;

Business Development Executive of the Year
Julie Larson, Juicy Ads

Brand Ambassador of the Year
Kira Basciano, JuicyAds

Senior Leadership Award
Rainey Stricklin, Juicy Ads

Community Figure of the Year
Alex Lecomte, Juicy Ads

Businessman of the Year
Jay, Juicy Ads

"We are honored to have been selected for these awards, it really speaks to the quality and integrity of the team we have working here at JuicyAds. They truly bleed orange and work relentlessly with clients to keep them happy. Bravo." acknowledged Juicy Jay, CEO and Founder of JuicyAds.

Thanks for being part of building a better advertising network, not just a bigger one.

Receive a $50 bonus from Payoneer

We’re happy to announce a new special offer for our Publishers from our primary payment provider Payoneer.

When you sign up for a new Payoneer account by December 31st 2015, you’ll get a $50 bonus added to your first payout of $100 or more through February 15th 2016.

How to signup

Login to your Publisher’s Account (or register a new one if you don’t have)
Click on “Profile” and “Add a Payment Method”
Choose payment type “Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard” or “Payoneer Bank Transfer”.
Click “Create” button and follow the instructions.

After completing the process of signing up Payoneer, make sure that you’ve set it as your default payment method for receiving funds from Propeller Ads (button “Make Default”).

Payoneer is best Paypal alternative that allows webmasters and affiliate marketers receive payments quickly and easily, through re-loadable prepaid MasterCard debit cards or bank accounts. Read more info about Payoneer service on their official website.

Happy Monetizing!


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Promo Tas Seken November 4

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komen fix yg pertama yg diutamakan dan Yang Fix Langsung TT itu yang Paling di Utamakan
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jika b diawal dan diurutan kedua f, beberapa wtk kemudian yg komen prtama menyunting b jd f, ttp yg f yg kedua yg dapat.

 Album November 4

Pengiriman dari medan via JNE , order minggu senin selasa rabu maxs kirim kamis/jumat, order kamis, jumat sabtu Maxsimum kirim senin/selasa ( tidak menutup kemungkinan Begitu TT pagi sore hari sudah dikirim, Semua bergantung pada situasi & Keadaan Kurir),
Dikarenakan barang ini dijual diPasar tiap hr nya, dan stocknya cm ada 1pcs, jadi jika serius boleh keep dan langsung TT DP) Batas TT FIX 1 x 24 Jam
tidak ada retur barang dng alasan apapun selain dikarenakan barang tertukar/tidak sesuai dengan yg dipesan diphoto.
Kualitas Barang ini ya apa adanya karena harga Sale dan barang ini 2nd tentunya ada yang mulus tapi juga ada sebagian yang kikis/terkelupas maupun defect serta need loundry Jadi Slahkan Lihat Detail dengan Cermat, Trimakasih
selamat berbelanja buibu & Sis, Mas & Om
salam Jetty on_shop

Info Lebih lanjut ==>> klik disini <<==

Iklan Gratis

Princes Advertising Worldwide
Nama * obatherbal
E-mail *
No. Handphone * 085712491812
URL http:
Category * Farmasi/Obat/Alat Kesehatan
Judul Iklan * pusat kosmetik obat kuat alat bantu p/w
Isi Iklan * HUB;081326392033-085712491812;
Menjual Obat Kuat, Obat Vitalitas, Perangsang Wanita, Obat Perangsang ,Alat Bantu Pasutri, Pembesar Alat Vital Pria, ***** Toys, Vibrator, Vag!nator, Stimulator, Kondom, Pelangsing, Pemutih, Peninggi Badan, Celana Hernia, Obat Mata, DLL


– Boneka Fullbody 165 Montok Electric….Rp.1000.000
– V. Pinggung Getar SiliconRp.850.000
– V. Getar Goyang Suara Rintih Silicon….Rp.450.000
– V. Mungil Getar Silicon…Rp.350.000
– V. Mungil Manual SiliconRp.250.000
– V. Kembang bulu Getar Silicon….Rp.400.000
– V. Kembang Manual Silicon…Rp.300.000
– V. empot2 ayam Rp.550.000
– v. senter electrik..Rp.400.000

– Kondom Cristal Bergerigi / Berotot dll Rp.150.000
– Ring Getar Electric Silicon…Rp.150.000
– Magic Ring isi 6biji Silicon…Rp.150.000

– P. Mutiara Gtr Goyang Maju-Mundur Silicon…Rp.370.000
– P.Mutiara Getar Goyang SiliconRp.350.000
– P.Telur Tempel (bisa ditempel dikaca/lantai/dinding)Rp.400.000
– P. Ikat Pinggang Silicon ( utk gay/lesby/impoten)…Rp.450.000
– P Getar *****r Silicon…Rp350.000 getar siliko..Rp.250.000
– P. Getar Silicon…Rp.300.000
– P. Manual silicon…Rp.230.000
– P. Tekuk Silicon ( bisa ditekuk-tekuk)…Rp250.000
– Vibrator Capsul Penggeli Rp.150.000


* V!agra USA 100mg…Rp.70.000/biji atau..Rp.900.000/botol isi30 biji
* Maximum Power Full..Rp.170.000/ 6tablet
* Levitra germany…Rp.150.000/ 4tablet
* Cialis england 50mg..Rp.250.000/ 10pil .
*Nangen zhengzangsu isi 12kpsl..Rp.170.000
* Procomil Spray Tahan Lama..Rp.170.000/15ml
* Obat Perangsang Wanita (cair,serbuk,cream)..Rp.150.000
* Obat Pembesar venis & vayudara…Rp.150.000
* Alat Vakum Pembesar vayudara/venis…Rp.350.000
*Vimax canada pembesar&panjang penis isi 30kpsl Rp.500.000


* Pelangsing Badan sera isi 30kpsl…Rp.150.000
*Pelangsing bdn Fatloss isi 30kpsl….Rp.150.000
*Pelangsing bdn lida daidaihua 30kpsl…Rp.170.000
* Penggemuk Badan GINSENG…Rp.160.000/ 60caps
* Peninggi Badan GROW-UP…Rp.170.000/ isi 250caps
* Piaohong shuang gell pemerah Bibir dan Puting…Rp.170.000
* Pemutih wajah siang&malam…Rp.170.000
* Penghilang Bekas Luka…Rp.140.000/ 60mg
* Penghilang Selulit/ STRECTH MARK…Rp.150.000
* Perapat Pewangi Vegin…Rp.140.000
*Pemutih gigi clean&clear…Rp.150.000
*Perontok/penumbuh bulu…Rp.150.000
*Teh dakun isi 60bj obat segala macam penyakit Rp.140.000

Pemesanan Dan Konsultasi

TELPON / SMS 24 jam :

+ 6281326392033 (T-SEL) +6285712491812 (I-SAT)

Pembayaran Via Transfer Bank :




Setelah anda transfer silahkan anda konfirmasi melalui SMS ke;
081 326392033 .agar lebih jelas,[ NAMA ANDA, ALAMAT ANDA, JENIS PESANAN, TRANSFER KE BANK, JUMLAH TRANSFER ]Setelah Uang masuk pesanan langsung kami kirim melalui JASA PENGIRIMAN kilat:POS/TIKI/JNE khusus sesuai dengan kesepakatan.

* * Pesanan dalam waktu singkat Pasti sampai tujuan * *

Kami Melayani pengiriman keseluruh kota di Indonesia seperti:
~~~kami jualan ini untuk ibadah,agar dapat membantu anda keluarga PASUTRI jadi harmonis terhindar dari perselingkuhan/perceraian~~~~
~~~~semoga produk2 kami cocok sesuai yg anda inginkan~~~~~
""""info lengkap klik aja; WWW. OBATALAMITOP.BLOGSPOT. COM
Banner / Logo Dimensi maxs. 350x250px


Iklan Gratis

Princes Advertising Worldwide
Nama * Neil Sihise
E-mail *
No. Handphone * 081212113392
URL http:
Category * Lain Lain
Judul Iklan * Jasa Pasang Iklan Google Adwords
Isi Iklan * Salam Hangat,

Jasa Pasang Iklan Google AdWords. TINGKATKAN Dan PERLUAS Pemasaran Apapun Bisnis Kamu. Dapatkan Pelanggan Baru Setiap Hari Perluas Jangkauan Promosi Kamu Ke Negara Mana Yang Kamu Mau Atau Hanya
Target Iklan Kamu Tampil Di Indonesia Saja. Google Adwords Mendukung UKM, Usaha Berskala Besar Dan Industri. Hubungi Kami Sekarang : Raya Iklan Google AdWords 0812 1211 3392 Atau 021 8648143. Kunjungi Website Kami :
Banner / Logo Dimensi maxs. 350x250px


Iklan Gratis

Princes Advertising Worldwide
Nama * Neil Sihise
E-mail *
No. Handphone * 081212113392
URL http: .com
Category *
Judul Iklan *
Isi Iklan *
Banner / Logo Dimensi maxs. 350x250px


Custom Search, fast and efficient autosurf