ExoClick signs exclusive deal with Perfectgirls

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Barcelona, Spain. 3 March 2015: ExoClick, the innovative ad network, today announced that it has signed an exclusive deal with Perfectgirls.net to manage the sites web, mobile and iPad ad spots.

Perfectgirls.net receives over 1m daily visitors and the deal, which is effective immediately, makes the following spots available on the ExoClick network:
Web – Popunder, Footer, NTV A, B & C
Mobile – Header, Middle, Popunder, Text link, Tabs bar
iPad – Tabs bar
With top GEOs all in top tier territories including US, Germany, France, UK & Canada.

Benjamin Fonzé, ExoClick’s founder and CEO commented, “Perfectgirls is a premium quality content site with an excellent range of well placed spots ready to be monetised. We did some initial testing and the site converted really well. With mobile a key growth area in our business we are very happy to be able to also offer the mobile and iPad versions of the site to our global network of advertisers.”

For more information, visit your admin panel on www.exoclick.com


Giles Hirst

+34 931810272

Launched in 2006 and based in Barcelona, Spain, ExoClick is an innovative global ad network serving 125+ billion geo-targeted ads a month to web and mobile advertiser/publisher platforms via its proprietary software.

Founded by current CEO Benjamin Fonzé, ExoClick is ranked as the 4th largest ad network in the world by W3Techs and the #1 ad network for the entertainment market. The Company has been ranked three times in the Deloitte Fast 500 and has also received several industry awards for its business excellence including winning Traffic Services Company of the Year 2013 & 2015 by XBIZ and the company is ranked at number 11 in the Top 20 Best Workplaces in Spain in the category of companies with between 20-49 employees (PYMES). CEO Fonzé was honoured by Xbiz with the Tech Leadership Award for 2015.

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