Here are some news about Otohits

Hello everyone,
Here are some news about Otohits:, fast and efficient autosurf
- Just before Christmas, I was happy to announce that we were a bit more than 800 to surf constantly, generating more than 2.5 millions visits per day. I'm glad to say that these figures just doubled in 1 month! Surf sessions are between 1500 and 1600 at any time of the day, generating more than 5 millions visits per day.
Behind this excellent results, there were a lot of work. The server was not ready support so much surfers. It has been upgraded and huge optimizations have been conducted during this month to keep the surf as fast as possible. The most visited websites section on the statistics page have been disabled for this reason.
Maximum performance and availability will remain my first objective.

- That was also a good time to add a visit throttling mechanism. You are now able to limit the number of visits you will receive per hour. Check out the details pages of your links.

- A first cheater has been officially detected. Due to a bug on the website, he was able to generate unlimited number of points. The bug has been fixed and of course, every irregular accounts have been deleted without any warning.
Remember that for any bug found on the website, I usually reward you with points. The more critical the bug is, the more you will receive.

- Some users seem to have some issues with advanced features (override referrer and user-agent). If you use those and see that the referrer is not overridden, or if it doesn't take into account a mobile user-agent for example, don't hesitate to contact me directly.

- Otohits has his own facebook page:
Don't hesitate to like it. You can retrieve the link in the website footer as well.

- Some of you was asking to have other payment solutions than Paypal. I'm happy to announce that OKPay is now supported and available in the shop. For the moment, only OKPay and Bitcoin payment methods are available. Payza integration is also in progress. If there is any other payment solution that you would like to see integrated, don't hesitate to contact me.

As usual, thank you all for your participation and hello to all the members who joined us recently.

Have a good surf.
Otohits webmaster

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Custom Search, fast and efficient autosurf